Things around here lately have been about day-to-day life. Appointments and work. I've been doing some spring cleaning, decluttering, and replacing or getting rid of anything that I feel negative about. Goodbye, 3 blackened and gungy cookie sheets and hello beautiful, pristine, over-priced cookie sheet from William Sonoma. Goodbye, old condiments that have been in the fridge far too long; goodbye frumpy functional skirt. Goodbye everyday dishes that I never liked and goodbye jeans that make me feel meh.
This week I've also been having January-in-June: watching episodes of Nigella Express and Nigella Feasts; reading through Posey Gets Cozy archives from fall/winter; watching Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in Swing Time; turning on the fairy lights.
Last night I made a fantastic bagel melt from Rebar: toasted bagel with melted blue cheese, and then pear slices, arugula and rosemary on top. I also made rosemary-garlic olive oil which made my apartment smell amaaaaaaazing.
This week I've also been having January-in-June: watching episodes of Nigella Express and Nigella Feasts; reading through Posey Gets Cozy archives from fall/winter; watching Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in Swing Time; turning on the fairy lights.
Last night I made a fantastic bagel melt from Rebar: toasted bagel with melted blue cheese, and then pear slices, arugula and rosemary on top. I also made rosemary-garlic olive oil which made my apartment smell amaaaaaaazing.

In the spirit of out-with-the-old-in-with-the-new, I'm finally going to update the pictures in these 4 white picture frames in my living room. This is an excellent opportunity to get into scherenschnitte (traditional papercutting) and to put some black and white designs in the frames. For papercutting inspiration, I go here (wonderful art) and here.
In foodness, Tara and Susannah and I had a lovely Saturday brunch at Bird's Nest. Tara introduced me to the Sweet Sugar Bean blog (the breakfast tacos are fabulous); and last night I was greedily purusing Joy the Baker's archives (why yes, I do believe I'm the very last person on the internet to read Joy the Baker).

Last week, I searched for art on etsy, and came across Janet Hill's work in about 2 seconds. It was a rare instance in finding something perfect on etsy right off the bat; I could easily have purchased her whole portfolio since I love her aesthetic; the print here is the one I ended up getting (now on my dining room table and awaiting a frame).